She leaves the basement, disappearing once again with the Phantom Book. Hal wants to destroy the Phantom Book, but he has no chance, since Mithril uses its power to obtain supernatural abilities. She puts on the Faceless Book soon after.

The thief removes a mask with no features from her breast pocket. Hal and Flamberge find Yuna inside the basement. Later, the real young detective is found in the castle’s pantry, unconscious, with no recollection of what happened. Mithril disappears after helping Hal destroy Hildegard’s soul. She reveals herself as the Phantom Book Thief. During the confrontation, she's seen wearing the Faceless Book. Mithril shows incredible dexterity, stealing the Decorative Plywood of Merneith from Hildegard’s hands and dodging the attacks from her familiars. There, in the middle of an intense battle, Mithril appears, disguised as a young detective, a subordinate of Inspector Grosseteste. Yuna was supposed to be taking care of Elisha while Hal, Flamberge, Ben and the police are investigating the basement of the Reizl Castle, looking for Hildegard, the real Scarlet Robe. She checks the young girl, showing remarkable professionalism. Soon after, Mithril appears as Yuna, Elisha’s personal doctor. Hal barely reaches her with his motorcycle. Mithril easily jumps to the ground, as if ignoring gravity. She was seen by Hal and Flamberge running on the ramparts of the Reizl Castle, carrying an unconscious Elisha.

The Faceless Book was first used by Mithril when she was pretending to be the Scarlet Robe. The user can deactivate the power without removing the mask. On the other hand, dolls that look like humans are easily copied.

For instance, it couldn't copy Shura's camera due to its internal mechanisms, nor the gargoyles summoned by the Marquise. The Phantom Book won't be able to copy things that are too complex. It can change the user's clothes and physique. The Faceless Book manipulates people's perception. The Faceless Book has wisdom about theurgy, the practice of magical rituals performed with the intention of invoking the action or evoking the presence of one or more deities. Disguised as a young detective, Mithril dodged the attacks from Hildegard’s familiars, showing inhuman dexterity. Mithril also disguised herself as a three-meter grim reaper doll summoned by the Marquise. She ran as fast as a motorcycle, never running out of breath, and jumped from a high wall, as if ignoring gravity. In this form, Mithril easily reached the window of a three-story tower. For instance, Mithril used the Phantom Book while pretending to be the Scarlet Robe. The person can even disguise himself as a deity, absorbing a divine spirit and gaining its divine powers. It allows the user to possess thousands of different forms. The Phantom Book has ancient knowledge about rituals for obtaining supernatural abilities. I would highly recommend this book to young adults as, although at first the topic seems like an awful one to discuss in a book meant to be read for enjoyment, I found the ending and resolution satisfying and heart-warming.The Faceless Book is owned by Mithril, the Phantom Book Thief known for stealing many Phantom Books. I find myself almost hoping that there is going to be a sequel to Faceless sometime in the future to provide a follow up on Maisie’s life and give an insight into what her life is like following her final acceptance of the face transplant. An author that can keep you wanting to read more even after the story has been brought to a neat and tidy conclusion is a successful author. This, for me, is the sign of a great author. Even after completing the book, I found myself still wrapped up inside the story, wanting to know even more about Maisie’s life, whether she had a better of quality of life, where she went to college etc - anything to keep me in the world for a little longer. It certainly keeps you on your toes in regards to how Maisie is feeling, what she experiences, her fears and you will likely find yourself feeling similar emotions as the plot drags you in and doesn’t let you go until you’ve finished the book. I would say if you are thinking of reading this book, prepare for a whirlwind of emotions.